Prior to 2005, Traders and Investors were only able to trade Monthly Options that expired on the third Friday of a calendar month. After being introduced by the CBOE (over 30 years ago), many traders have enjoyed the opportunity to trade Weekly Options, which behave like monthly options in every respect. Some Underlying assets even allow weekly options to be traded 1-3 times per week. Weekly Options have become extremely popular for trading, allowing traders the potential to capitalize on short-term news and opportunities; and can be traded on some stocks, major indices and ETFs.
Many novice Option traders are often enticed by the reports of weekly options strategies that usually result in higher winning percentages and the opportunity to generate potential income on a weekly basis. Without fully understanding the risks associated with shorter-term durations and rapid time-decay, it can be very difficult for uneducated traders to repair weekly trades that have moved against them. This often causes novice traders to lose their entire risk (less the premium collected) per contract.
As a result, Online Trading Academy has created this class designed to help educated Options traders take advantage of the opportunities, while managing the risks associated with Trading Weekly Options.
Note: This class provides information about Weekly Options Strategies and offers instruction on how to trade them.
This course will cover:
- How to use Core Strategy with trading Weekly Options Strategies.
- How to Scan for Opportunities – Although the class will focus on the Russell 2000 Index (RUT), this strategy can also be used with stocks and ETFs.
- How News and Economic Events can impact Weekly Options trades.
- How to Analyze the Charts using Core Strategy to help identify areas of opportunities using CliK, OTA’s proprietary Education, Charting and Analysis platform.
- Gaining consistent rules for analyzing and setting up Weekly Options Strategies with Credit Spreads and/or Iron Condors.
- Entering and then managing your Weekly Options trades using simple, consistent, methodological rules, and how to position size to manage your risk.
- How to exit the Strategy using simple order exit rules based upon the conditions in the markets.
This course is designed ideally for students who have completed OTA’s Core Strategy class. Traders with Options experience and/or prior Options education will benefit from learning these strategies
Core Strategy course is recommended. Previous options experience preferred.
Approx. 6 hours of live instruction & 1, 90-minute live session delivered weekly for 4 weeks post-class
6-hour class when purchased includes 4, 90-minute application sessions accessible from the same course. Unlimited Retakes.
Class Type
Live Online class with Application Sessions